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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Effective leadership, Nine principles

For some one to be effective leaders, he needs to remember and follow nine principles as said by Katherine J. Kehler . These principles are  described as per my understanding

1.Vision to make the world, country  or organization a better place
With out vision, none can be leader. The greater the vision, the greater the leader. If some one have nothing(no vision) better to offer to his country men, the world or  staff in the organisation, then for what they will accept him as leader?

2. Know thyself , strenght and weakness
 To be effective leader, one must know himself well. he must know what are his strenght and weakness.   to compliment himself, then he  must find people who are strong in his area fo weakness so that he can build a balanced team.  without knowing own strength and weakness, none can form a balanced team and thus can not be effective leader.
3. Strive for excellence, not for perfection
 Leader himself must strive for excellence. If people find nothing excellent in him, then why they will follow him? Leader must also clearly understand  that he shouldn't strive for perfection. Because none and nothing is perfect except Amighty Allah. If he looks for perfection in himself and within followers, he can not move forward and can nto accomplish anything. However, he have to focus always to be excellent in morality and excel in doing whatever he is doing.  

4. Be persistent
 Persistance is the most important quality after vision. Nothing great int his wrold can be achieved easily or with one or two try or  without passing many hardle. So leader  msut be persistent  in  realizing his/her vision. If leader gives up easily, what the followers will do, whom will they follow? if some one is not persistant , he/she will loose his/her leadership position  very early as he will give up  facingt he first or second or third problem.

5. Prepared to stand alone
 Due to his/her vision, what leader can see none or most will not see what is in future.  So in many instances , leader may find him/her lonely in his/her persuit of vision. But he/she have to be prepared  for such situation. People may see later  what he saw early, so they will be close to him, follow him later. but leader have to be mentally prepared to be alone for sometimes, now and then.

6. Prepared for resistance

 In his/her way to realization fo great vision, leader will face resistance from opposition, competitor or rejection from friends. But to be effective, leader should be prepared mentally  to face such  resistance and  tactically and technically to breakthrough such resistance.  In planning for realization of his vision, he also have to srot out what type  and how strong resitance he may face and devise policy and technique  to face those resistance.

7. Examplary in working and giving

To be  effective leader, some one must lead  by example. He must  demonastrate his/her staff/followers how to do hard work , how to sacrifice  for others and how to serve people around.  without leading by example, none can become effective leader.

8. Eithical

 Leader must be of high morality.  If people can easily raise questions about soemones morality or ethics, he will easily loose his influence.  Leaders  never should  cheat because today or tomorrow it will be public  and then he will loose his face/influence and everything.

9. Connected with Almighty

 When leader will be alone, lonely, none is understanding him or seeing what he is seeing  , he must have some one  to seek help/ guidence/ strength. None but only the Almight can be a help under such circumstances.  As great leaders face such cricumstances , frequenctly, he must  be connected  with teh devine helping Hand.

  For further study on effective leadership

1.The Three Fundamentals Of Effective Leadership

2. What is Effective leadership?

3. Effective Leadership


5. Five Important Qualities of Effective Leadership

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even leadership expert says that having faith on God is an part and parcel of effective leadership.

So it was natural for great leader like Ziaur rahman to include "Full confidence and faith on Omnipotent Allah " as one of the four main principles of our constitution.