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Friday, September 16, 2011

Tarique is a great leader - This video also proves it

Leaders  don't create followers. They create leaders.- Tom Peters.

Because leader knows  if he doesn't create leaders, only followers , he can not lead large number of people  and can not lead them effectively. If he create leaders,  then  the created leaders will lead other people. Thus creating leaders  geometrically increase the power, effectiveness of a leader. Great leaders understand  the importance of creating leaders and thus find  out leaders among his followers.

If we listen  Tarique's  speech in this video, we hear that Tarique addressing local leaders  as leaders repeatedly and trying to make them understand that they are also leaders. He is also trying to  motivate them to take charge of their locality.

 This is a great sign of his leadership.

I don't know whether any other person of Bangladesh  has ever addressed  local leaders in such way and  as leaders.

 May Allah  save him  from conspiracy of Hasina  gong.

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