Readers are not necessarily leaders but leaders must be readers. There may have exception such as All time great leader, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUM) didn't even know how to read. But he was given all the knowledge required for to lead the barbaric nation into the best nation ever. With out reading, it is not possible for them to lead effectively a civic society now a days. Because without reading, he himself will not be growing/improving/developing contiuously . If a leader himself doesn't grow , how come he can inspire others to grow?
However, for the follwoing specific reasons leaders must read
1. To know thyself- strength and weakness. Books are mirror. The more one read, the more one knows himself.
2. To understand what leadership is - if this is not clear to someone who is in leadership position, he may be involved in managerial role or followers role.
3. To know people- their pshycology, mentality, habit and nature because leader deals/ manage people.
4. To have new idea, to be innovative - with out new idea, innovation he can not be bring change and thus can not lead.
To know thyself , there is no specific books one should read. the more one read, the more one know thyself.
To understand leadership, books written by leadership experts can be read. If I am asked to suggest some books, I would liek to name
1. How to Win friends and Influence people by Dale Carnegie - PDF available here.
(Those who have read Bangla translation of tis book at early stage of life, may dislike. But this is one of the all time best book for leaders to read)
2. Leadership: An Islamic perspective - summery of the book available here.
3. Developing The leaders within You - Summery of the book here
4. Mohammad(PBUH) The leader - can be downloaded here
5. Prophet Muhammad: The Leader - by Fethullah Gulen
And many more books can be named. Just read books from leadership expert from both muslim leadership expert and Western experts such as
1. Yawar Baig,
2.Dr. Rafik Beekun
3. John C Maxwell
4. Stephen Covey
5. Here a list of top 25 leadership experts can be fiound
The more books on leadership from the more experts one can read, the better one can understand leadership.
To understand leadership, biography of world famous leaders must also be read. If I am to name the leaders, then first come
1. Hazrat Mohammamd (PBUH)- He must be read from leadership perspective. One such book is
2. Four rightly guided Khalifa- Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman and Ali(RA)
3.Umar Ibn Abul Aziz
4. Nelson Mendela
5. Ghandi
6. Mahathir Mohammad
7. Abraham Linkon
8.. Tayeb Erdugan
9. Lee Kuan Yew
10.Martin Luther King
11. Imam Khumenii
However, Importance of reading for poltiical leaders will be very clear from the short video of this Canadian writer,
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