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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Listening is an skill not only for Leaders but also for good Husband.

  Those of us who have  knowledge about communication skill  may be aware about importance of listening  in communication skill. If we don't listen to other, we can not understand them and  then can't respond equally. So communication fails. Similarly if husband can't listent o her wife, the relationship fails.

But  research shows  that to be a good husband, man must be good listener. Becuase  when a women were asked  what they want  from their husband.  the answer  that got the top position was that they wanted that their husband listen to them. If husband  is not able to listen, then  his conjugal life may not  be that good.

 On the other hand, husbands want that their wife respect them.Women should never  express their disrespect  to their husband. Then the relatioship is not going to work.

 Another point is that man can generally speak 7000 words a day, where as women can speak 20,000 words a day.   If you don't give enough time to listen her 20,000 words, she may  make other man  to listen her.

Be good listener, Be happy in Conjugal life.

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